Curriculum, Extra-Curricular & Working With Parents.
Our Curriculum.
County Crest School is an integrated curriculum which embraces all that is learned in school, whether in lessons or as part of informal learning within and beyond the school day. It includes a blend of character education and a Montessori curriculum with the Nigeria Education Curriculum. Our curriculum is broad and balanced, providing a wide range of knowledge, life skills and experiences, giving each subject sufficient time to contribute to the children’s learning.
What the children learn from the way they are being treated and how they are expected to behave is also part of the curriculum. The school has a clear focus on the personal development and wellbeing of each child, as well as on their academic progress. At County Crest School, we aim to teach our children how to grow into positive, responsible people who can work and co-operate with others while developing their knowledge and skills, so that they will achieve their full potential.
The teachers in County Crest School start from the point of finding out what the children know and use this information, together with the key skills required in each subject by the Montessori Curriculum alongside the Nigeria Curriculum to inform their planning.
Our aim is to offer a curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of each and every one of our pupils and prepares our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Our Extra-Curricular.
We recognize strong academic performance alone is not enough. This is why we invest in extra-curricular activities that help our pupils to develop and stimulate creativity, build confidence, learn life skills and create social awareness.
Activities include dance, ballet, taekwondo, swimming, drama, craft and art, ICT and music. Pupils are also encouraged to take part in community activities such as visiting elderly people and fundraising for charity.
Along with our excellent selection of clubs, sporting opportunities and organized day trips like visiting motherless homes, old people’s homes and fundraising activities for charity, we also encourage an appreciation of the Arts. Pupils are expected to engage in cultural activities during each academic term, with stimulating drama productions at special celebrations throughout the year.
Working With Parents.
We have a long tradition of working in partnership with parents for the benefit of their children.
We understand parents need to believe that their expectations for their children are being met. Prospective parents and their children are encouraged to visit the school and meet with the Headteacher, teachers and observe our pupils in class.
Homework is set on a regular basis and parents are encouraged to take an active interest and assist their children in their project work.